Biology Project - Prepare Herbarium of Any Five Plant Species From Your Area

नमस्कार विदयार्थी मित्रांनो आपण या पोस्टमध्ये Class 12th Biology Project : Prepare Herbarium of Any Five Plant Species From Your Area चे Solutions पाहणारं आहोत आणि त्याचबरोबर तुम्हाला त्याची PDF file ही Download करता येईल. तर त्यासाठी ही पोस्ट शेवटपर्यंत वाचा. आपण Project पुढील Format मध्ये पाहणारं आहोत.
1) Introduction
2) Objectives of Project
3) Acknowledgement
4) Nerium Oleander
5) Bougainville
6) Rosa
7) Hibiscus - Rosa Sinensis
8) Calotropis Gigantea 

आता आपण वरील Format प्रमाणे Project पाहूया :-

Class 12th Biology Project : Prepare Herbarium of Any Five Plant Species From Your Area

Introduction : 

Herbarium is the collection of dried plant specimens mounted on sheet of paper. The plants usually collected, identified, pressed and then carefully mounted to paper in such a way that all major morphological characteristics are clear. The mounted plants are labelled with their scientific names, the name of collector and localities.
1. A herbarium serves as invaluable conservatory of dried plants collected from different part of world.
2. Since, Herbarium is a permanent record of flora of different regions. it can serve as a physical evidence.
3. Herbarium carry data such as : habitat, local names, colour of flower and other characteristics of plant, native uses of plant, abundance of species and associated plants etc.,
4. It serves as a source for collection of biodiversity. Most diversity based on herbarium collection only.

Objectives of Project : 

  • To study on various plants.
  • To contribute to the scientific studies
  • To preserves the catalogues of seeds and dried herbarium plants.
  • To maintain plants on the edge of extinction.
  • To inform the students and public about these plants.
  • To inform them the effects of global warming on ecological system.

Acknowledgement : 

I sincerely wish to thank our school principle Mr./Mrs (Principal Name) for providing all the resources and facilities in the school without which it would not have been possible to complete this project.
    I also wish to thank our Biology study teacher Mr./Mrs. (Teacher Name) for their encouragement guidance and support which helped me to complete my project in due time.

1) Nerium Oleander : 

Plant Information
Botanical Name : NERIUM OLEANDER
Kingdom : Plantae Clade : Angiosperm
Order : Gentianales Family : Apocynoideae
Tribe : Nerieae Genus : Nerium

Nerium, a versatile plant, typically reaches a height of 3 to 6 meters. It is most commonly cultivated in its natural shrub form, although it can be skillfully shaped into a small tree with a single trunk. This resilient plant exhibits tolerance to both drought and inundation, although it is sensitive to prolonged frost.
Throughout the year, Nerium graces us with its vibrant flowers, which come in shades of white, pink, or red and feature five distinct lobes. The blossoms cluster together, with their peak bloom occurring during the summer months. The fruit produced by Nerium takes the form of long, slender follicles that split open when mature, releasing an abundance of downy seeds.
It's important to note that Nerium contains several toxic compounds and has historically been considered a poisonous plant. However, its inherent bitterness deters consumption by both humans and most animals, making poisoning cases exceedingly rare and the overall risk of human mortality quite low. Ingesting larger quantities of Nerium may lead to symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, excessive salivation, and irregular heart rhythms. Additionally, prolonged contact with its sap can result in skin irritation, eye inflammation, and dermatitis.

2) Bougainville : 

Plant Information
Botanical Name : BOUGAINVILLEA
Kingdom : Plantae Clade : Angiosperm
Order : Caryophyllales Family : Nyctaginaceae
Tribe : Bougainvilleeae Genus : Bougainvillea

The Bougainvillea plant species can reach heights ranging from 1 to 12 meters. These plants have a tendency to climb and sprawl over other vegetation due to their spiky thorns. They exhibit evergreen characteristics in regions with year-round rainfall, but become deciduous in areas with dry climates or arid soil conditions. The leaves of Bougainvillea are arranged alternately and are simple in shape, with an ovate-acuminate form, measuring approximately 4.13 cm in length and 2.6 cm in width. While the actual flowers of the plant are small and typically white, they are surrounded by clusters of three or six bracts that come in vibrant colors, including pink, magenta, purple, red, orange, white, or yellow.
Bougainvillea glabra is commonly referred to as the "Paper flower" due to its thin and papery bracts. The plant's fruit takes the form of a narrow, five-lobed achene. Bougainvillea belongs to the genus of thorny ornamental vines, shrubs, and trees, originating from the eastern region of South America, spanning from Brazil to Argentina. The number of recognized species within this genus varies among different authors, ranging from 4 to 22.

3) Rosa : 

Plant Information
Botanical Name : ROSA
Kingdom : Plantae Clade : Angiosperm
Order : Rosales Family : Rosaceae
Tribe : Roseae Genus : Rosa

A rose is a woody perennial flowering plant of the genus Rosa in the family Rosaceae or the bloom it produces. There exist more than three hundred species and tens of thousands of cultivated varieties. These encompass a diverse group of plants, ranging from upright shrubs to climbers or trailing varieties, often adorned with sharp thorns. The blooms exhibit a wide range of sizes and shapes, typically featuring vibrant colors such as white, yellow, and red. The majority of these species naturally occur in Europe, North America, and Africa.
Species, cultivars, and hybrids are extensively cultivated for their aesthetic appeal, frequently possessing delightful fragrances. Roses hold significant cultural importance in various societies. Rose plants vary in size, ranging from compact miniature roses to climbing varieties that can attain heights of up to seven meters. Different species readily hybridize, which has contributed to the development of a diverse array of garden roses.

4) Hibiscus - Rosa Sinensis

Plant Information
Kingdom : Plantae Clade : Angiosperm
Order : Malvoles Family : Malvaceae
Tribe : Hibisceae Genus : Hibiscus

Hibiscus belongs to the Malvaceae family and is a diverse genus of flowering plants. With hundreds of species, it thrives in warm subtropical and tropical regions across the globe. These remarkable members of the genus are renowned for their striking, large blossoms, commonly referred to as 'Hibiscus,' or less commonly as 'Rose Mallow.' Some specific varieties include the hardy Hibiscus, Rose of Sharon, and Tropical Hibiscus.
Within this genus, you'll find a mix of annual and perennial herbaceous plants, along with some weedy shrubs and petite trees. The name 'Hibiscus' traces its origins back to the Greek term 'ibiscus,' bestowed upon Althaea officinalis by Pedanius Dioscorides.
Many Hibiscus species have earned a place in ornamental horticulture, with Hibiscus syriacus and Hibiscus rosa-sinensis being particularly cherished. Furthermore, Hibiscus flowers are used to make a delightful tea, enjoyed both hot and cold. This beverage is renowned for its vibrant color and high vitamin C content, and it goes by various names.

5) Calotropis Gigantea : 

Plant Information
Kingdom : Plantae Clade : Angiosperm
Order : Gentianales Family : Apocynaceae
Tribe : Asclepiadeae Genus : Calotropis

It is a sizable shrub that reaches a height of 4 meters (approximately 13 feet). This shrub boasts clusters of glossy flowers available in either white or lavender hues. Each flower comprises five distinct pointed petals with a small 'crown' emerging from the center to cradle the stamens. Calotropis exhibits valvate aestivation, meaning the sepals or petals in a whorl gently touch each other at the margins without overlapping. The plant features oval, light-green leaves and a latex-rich stem. Within the latex of Calotropis gigontea, you can find cardiac glycosides, fatty acids, and calcium oxalate. The roots of this plant also contain calotropone.

अशा प्रकारे मित्रांनो आपण इयत्ता बारावी Biology Project - Prepare Herbarium of Any Five Plant Species From Your Area याचे Solutions पहिले.
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