Class 12th Physics Experiment No 1 - Spring Mass Oscillator Solutions

नमस्कार विदयार्थी मित्रांनो आपण या पोस्टमध्ये Class 12th Physics Practical Number 1 : Spring - Mass Oscillator चे Solutions पाहणारं आहोत आणि त्याचबरोबर तुम्हाला त्याची PDF file ही Download करता येईल. तर त्यासाठी ही पोस्ट शेवटपर्यंत वाचा. आपण Spring - Mass Oscillator Experiment चे Solutions पुढील Format मध्ये पाहणारं आहोत.
1) Aim
2) Apparatus
3) Diagram
4) Formula with explanation/law
5) Theory
6) Observations
7) Observation Table
8) Calculation
9) Result/Conclusion
10) Precautions
11) Questions
12) Graph

आता आपण Experiment चे Solutions पाहण्यास सुरुवात करुया :-

Class 12 Physics Practical No 1 : Spring - Mass Oscillator Solutions Maharashtra Board

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Aim : 

a) To determine the force constant (k) of the given spring.
b) To determine the mass of the spring.

Apparatus : 

Light spiral with clamping arrangement and attached pointer, meter scale, hanger, weight box, stop watch.

Diagram :

Formula : 

1) F = -kx
2) Potential energy (P.E) = 1/2 kx²
3) mass of spring ms = 3 × (x - intercept)
Where, F - is restoring force.
x - is extension of the spring.
k - is force constant of the spring.

Theory : 

The period (T) of S.H.M. about the position of equilibrium
T² = 16π²R³N/r⁴n [ M = ms/3 ]
Differentiating above equation, we get
T² = 0,
0 = 16π²R³N/r⁴n [ M = ms/3 ]
M + m/3 =0
M = ms/3
ms = 3 × (x intercept)
ms/3 = x intercept
ms = 3x(x intercept)
R - Radius of spring
N - No. of turns in the string
r - Radius of the wire used for spring
n - Rigidity of the material of the spring
T - Time period of oscillation

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Observations : 

PART - A To determine force constant (k) and potential energy (P.E.) :
1) Mass of the hanger (m0) =  50  g
2) Mass attached to the hanger = m1 =  250  g, so that spring gets stretched to about triple of its unstretched length. Therefore total mass attached M = (m1 + m0) =  300  g.
3) Position of the pointer when the spring is stretched to about triple of the unstretched length S0 =  24.5  cm.
4) To determine force constant (k) of the spring:

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Sr.No. Mass attached to
the spring m gwt
S cm Extension S0-S
=x cm
P.E.=1/2 kx2
1 100 -150 15.7 8.8 679
2 150 -100 18.6 5.9 305
3 200 -50 21.7 2.8 68
4 M=250 0 S0=24.5 0 0
5 300 +50 27.4 -2.9 -73
6 350 +100 30.2 -5.7 -284
7 400 +150 33.1 -8.6 -648

Observations : 

PART - B To determine the mass of spring (ms) :
1) Mass of the hanger (m0) =  50  g
2) Least count of the stop watch =  s

Sr.No. Total Mass
M kg
Time t for 20 oscillation
mean t
Periodic time
T=mean t/20
T2 (S2)
1 2 3
1 350 g 19 19 19 19 0.95 0.9025
2 300 g 17 17 17 17 0.85 0.7225
3 250 g 16 16 16 16 0.8 0.64
4 200 g 14 14 14 14 0.7 0.49
5 150 g 13 13 13 13 0.65 0.4225

Calculation :

1) force constant k of the spring = slope of graph of F against extension X
17.54  gwt/cm.
17200.864  dyne/cm.
2) potential energy = 1/2 kx²
1/2 k = 1/2 × (17.54) = 8.77
i) 1/2 kx² = 8.77 × 8.8² = 679
ii) 1/2 kx² = 8.77 × 5.9² = 305
iii) 1/2 kx² = 8.77 × 2.8² = 68
iv) 1/2 kx² = 8.77 × (-2.9)² = -73.7557
v) 1/2 kx² = 8.77 × (-5.7)² = -284.9373
vi) 1/2 kx² = 8.77 × (-8.6)² = -648.6292

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Result : 

1) Force constant of the given spring (k) =  17200.8641  dyne/cm
2) Mass of the given spring (ms) from the graph of T² against M =  150  g
3) The graph shows that potential energy of oscillator changes with distance x from equilibrium. The nature of graph is parabolic.

Precautions : 

1) Record the mean position of the pointer carefully.
2) Oscillation of the spring mass oscillator should be in a vertical plane.
3) The pointer should move freely over the scale such that it should not touch the scale.
4) Spiral spring should not be stretched beyond the elastic limit.

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Questions : 

1) What are damped oscillations?
Ans : Damped oscillations refer to repetitive movements that gradually decrease in amplitude over time due to the dissipation of energy.

2) Define linear S.H.M.?
Ans : Linear Simple Harmonic Motion (S.H.M.) is a periodic back-and-forth motion where the restoring force is directly proportional to the displacement from the equilibrium position.

3) What are forced oscillations?
Ans : Forced oscillations refer to the periodic motions of a system caused by an external periodic force or driving force.

4) Define force constant
Ans : Force constant is a measure of the stiffness or rigidity of a spring or elastic material, representing the force required to extend or compress it by a certain amount.

Graphs : 

1) Graph of F against x

2) Graph of P.E. against x

3) Graph of T² against m

अशा प्रकारे मित्रांनो आपण इयत्ता बारावी Physics Practical Number 1 - Spring Mass Oscillator याचे Solutions पहिले.
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