Class 12th Biology Practical Exam Pattern | Format of Question Paper

मित्रांनो इयत्ता बारावी Biology Practical Book च्या पान क्रमांक ३ वर तुम्हाला Scheme Of Practical Examination नावाने skeleton question paper provide केलेली आहे तर तेच मी तुम्हाला या ब्लॉग मध्ये explain करण्याचा प्रयत्न करणार आहे.

Practical च्या pattern प्रमाणे एकूण 30 गुण आहेत आणि वेळ 3 तास.
यामध्ये एकूण 3 part आहेत - Part A, Part B, Part C असे आहे त्यामधील पहिला part म्हणजे Part A मध्ये Major Experiment आणि Minor experiment (Q.1, Q.2, Q.3) कोणकोणते येऊ शकतात हे दिले आहे. Part B मध्ये दहा spot दिलेले आहेत ते 10 स्पॉट तुम्हाला लिहायचे आहेत (Spot A to J) (Q.4) आणि final Part C मध्ये Project, Viva आणि Journal completed असेल तर त्यांचे देखील marks तुम्हाला मिळतील. तर हे 3 part आपण detail मध्ये समजून घेऊयात.
खालीलप्रमाणे Skeleton Question Paper आहे.

Part A :
Major experiment : (any One out of following).      – 4 Marks
Q.1) Make a temporary potato osmoscope to study osmosis. Sketch & label the diagram showing the change in the water level.
Make a temporary slide to study plasmolysis. Sketch & label the diagram.
Make a temporary mount of leaf epidermis to study the structure & distribution of stomata. Sketch & label the structure of stomatal apparatus.
Find out the adulteration of the given milk sample, for water & starch.
Performe the experiment to isolate DNA from given sample. Show your result to the examiner.

Minor experiments :       – 3 Marks
Q.2) Dissect the given flower to display the floral whorls
 Take a T.S. or V.S. of ovary to show number of chambers (locules). Sketch and label the diagram.
Make a temporary preparation to show pollen germination. Draw neat and labelled diagram of the same.
Calculate population density/frequency of any one plant species by quadrat method.

Q.3) Performe the suitable tests to compare the given water sample (s) for its/their pH and clarity. Make a note of its/their pH and clarity.     – 3 Marks
Performe the suitable tests to compare the given soil samples for their pH and type. Make a note on their pH and soil type.
Performe the suitable tests to compare the given leaf samples for the presence of particular matter. Make a note of the same.
Make a temporary mount of the given water sample. Observe and prepare a report on the presence of different planktons in it.

Part B :
Q.4) Spotting : (Identify the following 10 spots -)       – 10 Marks
Spot A : Name the plant and write on floral adaptation for type of pollination in the same.
(i. Wind pollination ii. Insect pollination)
Identity and comment.
[Controlled pollination (emasculation, bagging and bagging with tagging).]
Spot B : Identify and comment [Any one experiment from plant physiology.]
i. Rate of transportation by four leaf experiment.
ii. Imbibition of seeds/Raisins.
iii. Seperation of plant pigments by paper chromatography
Spot C : Identify the plant and comment on its morphological adaptation in aquatic/Xerox habitats.
Spot D : Identify and describe permanent slide of T.S. testis/T.S. of ovary/V.S. of blastula.
Spot E : Identify and comment on the syndrome from to given karyotype.
Spot F : Identify and describe stage of meiosis in the given slide.
Spot H : Identify the animal and comment on its Xerox adaptations/aquatic adaptations.
Spot I : Name the part indicated by the marker and enlist its functions (ovule V.S./Model - eye/ear/brain).
Identify the slide and comment with respect to the Barr body.
Spot J : Comment on the given pedigree chart with respect to the inheritance of trait.
Comment on the given specimen of Drosophila with respect to eye colour and wing type.
Identify the type of cell marked and mention it's features/functions (blood profile).

Part C : 
Q.5) Project Report      – 5 Marks
या question मध्ये तुम्हाला तुमच्या experiment Book मधील page No 138 -139 पासून सुरू होणाऱ्या pages वर कोणताही एका विषयावर Project लिहायचा आहे. त्यासाठी लागणारी चित्रे (Images) तुम्ही Google वरून डानलोड करा आणि त्याच्या प्रिंट out काढून तुमच्या सोयीनुसार चिकटवा.

Q.6) Viva voce (on question no. 1 to 3)    – 2 Marks
Viva मध्ये तुम्हाला तुमच्या practical exam मध्ये जे question आले आहेत त्यावर तुमचे viva चे question तुम्हाला examinar विचारणार. 

Q.7) Practical notebook published by Balbharati (Certified journal)     – 3 Marks
हे तीन मार्क्स मिळवण्यासाठी तुम्हाला biology practical book complete करणे गरजेचे आहे. 

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