Dissect and display floral whorls... - Biology 10th Practical Answer


नमस्कार विद्यार्थी मित्रांनो Dissect and display floral whorls. Dissect anther and take T.S. or V.S. of ovary to show pollen grains and locules of ovary, respectively हे प्रॅक्टिकल Experiments to be performed - PART A मधील आहे. याचाच अर्थ तुम्हाला हे प्रॅक्टिकल Exam मध्ये Examiner ला Performe करून दाखवायचे आहे. म्हणूनच प्रॅक्टिकल Exam च्या दृष्टीने हे Experiment अतिशय महत्त्वाचे आहे. या ब्लॉग मध्ये आपण Practical Book मधील या Experiment Number - 10 ची उत्तरे पाहणारं आहोत. ही उत्तरे काळजीपूर्वक वाचून आपल्या Practical Book मध्ये लिहा किंवा तुमच्या कॉलेजमधील संबंधित विषय शिक्षकांची मदत घ्या.

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10. Dissect and display floral whorls. Dissect anther and T.S. or V.S. of ovary to show pollen grains and locules of ovary, respectively.

Aim :- To dissect a given flower to study and display different whorls. Dissect anther and ovary to show the number of locus (chambers).

Requirements :- Flowers such as Brassica or Hibiscus. Forceps, razor blade, slides, two needles, coverslips, dissecting microscope, paper, etc.

Procedure :- Observe different floral whorls such as calyx, corolla, androecium and gynoecium. Take out each floral whorl carefully and arrange them in proper ascending order on a white paper. Count the members of each whorl and also note down, if there is cohesion or adhesion between the members of same whorl or different whorls.
• Mount the anthers on the slide and observe them under the lens or dissecting the microscope.
• Take a transverse section of each of anther and T. S. / V. S. of the ovary with the help of a sharp blade and mount them on a slide in a drop of water, separately.
• Observe under dissecting microscope and count the number of chambers in anther and ovary.
• Draw diagrams of the members of each whorl and sections of anther and ovary. Note down your observations as -

Hibiscus Flower :- 
• Epicalyx - There are 5-7 free bracteoles.
• Calyx-5 sepals, green, gamosepalous, valvate aestivation.
• Corolla-5 petals, polypetalous, large, red coloured and showy, twisted aestivation.
• Androecium - Many stamens, showing monadelphous condition. (Filaments are fused to form a hollow staminal tube but anthers free.) Anthers are monothecus and kidney shaped. Note the colour, shape and ornamentation of pollen grains.
• Gynoecium - Pentacarpellary, syncarpous (5 carpels-fused), ovary-superior and pentalocular five chambers) with axile placentation, style passes through hollow staminal tube, stigma-5 free capitate.

Figure :- 

Hibiscus Diagram

Activity : Write floral formula. Br ⊕ ⚥ K(5) C5 A(∞) G(5)

Brassica Diagram


1. What is flower?
Ans :- A flower is a highly modified structure meant for sexual reproduction.

2. What is the function of flower?
Ans :- A flower is the reproductive organ in plants. It possesses male & female sex organ for sexual reproduction.

3. Which are the essential floral whorls? And why?
Ans :- Androecium & gynoecium are the essential floral whorls. They produce the male & female gametophytes for sexual reproduction.

4. What is the difference between polypetalous and gamopetalous corolla?
Ans :- In polypetalous corolla, petals are free. In gamopetalous corolla, petals are united/fused.

5. Which are the different parts of stamen and carpel?
Ans :- A stamen consist of two parts - filament & anther.
A carpel consist of three parts - stigma, style & ovary.

6. How does Brassica flower is different from that of Hibiscus?
Ans :- 
Plant Symmetry Stamens Ovary Placentation
Brassica Tetramerous symmetry Six stamens Bicarpellary ovary Parietal placentation
Hibiscus Pentamerous symmetry Many stamens Pentacarpellary ovary Axile placentation

Multiple Choice Questions

1. The type of placentation seen in Hibiscus ovary is...
a. Parietal 
b. Marginal 
c. Free central 
d. Axile
Ans :-  d. Axile

2. The anthers in Hibiscus are....
a. Monothecus 
b. Monothecus basifixed
c. Bithecus basifixed 
d. Bithecus dorsifixed
Ans :- a. Monothecus

3. Hibiscus shows protandrous condition. It will favour...
a. Self pollination 
b. Cross pollination 
c. Vegetative reproduction 
d. Autogamy
Ans :-  b. Cross pollination 

4. In Hibiscus, aestivation of calyx is...and of corolla is...
a. Contorted and valvate
b. Twisted and valvate
c. Valvate and twisted 
d. Vexillary and valvate
Ans :- c. Valvate and twisted

5. Hibiscus is a hypogynous flower because its ovary is...
a. Inferior 
b. Semi - superior 
c. Superior 
d. Semi - inferior
Ans :- c. Superior 

Observe the slide and draw the diagram.


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