Class 12th Physics Experiment No 8 - Law of Resistance using meter bridge solutions

नमस्कार विदयार्थी मित्रांनो आपण या पोस्टमध्ये Class 12th Physics Practical Number 8 : Law of Resistance using meter bridge चे Solutions पाहणारं आहोत आणि त्याचबरोबर तुम्हाला त्याची PDF file ही Download करता येईल. तर त्यासाठी ही पोस्ट शेवटपर्यंत वाचा. आपण Laws of resistance using meter bridge Experiment चे Solutions पुढील Format मध्ये पाहणारं आहोत.
1) Aim
2) Apparatus
3) Diagram
4) Formula with explanation/law
5) Theory
6) Observations
7) Observation Table
8) Calculation
9) Result/Conclusion
10) Precautions
11) Questions
12) Graph

आता आपण Experiment चे Solutions पाहण्यास सुरुवात करुया :-

Class 12 Physics Practical No 8 : Law of Resistance using meter bridge Solutions Maharashtra Board

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Aim : 

To verify the laws of combination (series and parallel) of resistance using a metre bridge.

Apparatus : 

Meter bridge, two resistance, galvanometer, resistance box, rheostat, cell, jockey, plug key, connecting wires.

Circuit Diagram :

Formula : 

1) X = R*(Lx/Lr) where, Lx and Lr are balancing lengths corresponding to X and R.
2) For series combination, Xs = X1 + X2
3) For parallel combination, Xp = X1 * X2 / X1 + X2

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Observations : 

Resistance (X1) =  10  Ω
Resistance (X2) =  20  Ω

1) For series combination :  

Resistance from
Resistance Box (Ω) R
Lx(cm) Lr(cm) Xs = R(Ls/Lr)Ω
Series in
left gap
1 10 75 25 30
2 20 60 40 30
3 30 50 50 30
Series in
right gap
1 10 75 25 30
2 20 60 40 30
3 30 50 50 30

Mean Xs =  30  Ω

2) For parallel combination : 

Resistance from
Resistance Box (Ω) R
Lx(cm) Lr(cm) Xs = R(Ls/Lr)Ω
Parallel in
left gap
1 10 20 80 2.5
2 20 25 75 6.665
3 30 30 70 12.85
Parallel in
right gap
1 10 20 80 2.5
2 20 25 75 6.665
3 30 30 70 12.85

Mean Xs =  2.338  Ω

3) For series combination : 

Left gap Right gap
Obs. No 1 2 3 1 2 3
Log R = a 1.0000 1.3010 1.4771 1.0000 1.3010 1.4771
Log lx = b 1.8751 1.7782 1.6990 1.8751 1.7782 1.6990
c = a + b 2.8751 3.0732 3.1761 2.8751 3.0792 3.1761
Log Lr = d 1.3980 1.6021 1.6990 1.3980 1.6021 1.6990
c - d = e 1.4771 1.4771 1.4771 1.4771 1.4771 1.4771
Antilog e = Xs 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00 30.00

4) For parallel combination : 

Left gap Right gap
Obs. No 1 2 3 1 2 3
Log R = a 1.0000 1.3010 1.4771 1.0000 1.3010 1.4771
Log Lx = b 2.3010 1.3979 1.4771 2.3010 1.3979 1.4771
c = a + b 2.3010 2.6989 2.9542 2.3010 2.6989 2.9542
Log Lr = d 1.3031 1.8751 1.8451 1.3031 1.8751 1.8451
c - d = e 0.3979 0.8751 1.1091 0.3979 0.8751 1.1091
Antilog e = Xs 2.500 6.665 12.85 2.500 6.665 12.85

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Calculations : 

1) Xs = R (Ls/Lr)
Mean Xs =  30  Ω
(experiment value)
2) Xp = R(Ls/Lr)
Mean Xp =  2.338  Ω
(experiment value)

Result : 

1) In series
    a) Experimental value of Xs =  30  Ω
    b) Theoretical value of Xs = X1 + X2 = 30  Ω 
2) In Parallel
    a) Experimental value of Xp =  2.338  Ω
    b) Theoretical value of Xp = X1 * X2/X1 + X2 =  6.667  Ω
Hence law's of series and parallel is verified.

Precautions : 

i) All the connections and plugs in the resistance box should be tight.
ii) Null point is obtained in the middle (1/3)rd portion of the meter bridge wire.
iii) Do not slide the jockey on the wire.
iv) Remove the plug key after completion of experiment.

Questions : 

1) What is a balance point in meter bridge?
Ans : In a meter bridge, the balance point is the position on the wire where there is no potential difference (zero current) between the two ends, indicating that the resistance of the unknown resistor is equal to the resistance of the known resistor. It allows us to find the unknown resistance using the principle of Wheatstone bridge.

2) Resistance of a wire is x Ω, The wire is stretched to triple it's length, then the resistance becomes?
Ans : When the wire is stretched to triple its length, its resistance becomes 9 times (3^2) the original resistance (x Ω) since resistance is directly proportional to the length of the wire for a given material and cross-sectional area.

अशा प्रकारे मित्रांनो आपण इयत्ता बारावी Physics Practical Number 8 - Law of Resistance using meter bridge याचे Solutions पहिले.
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