Class 11th Biology Practical Exam Pattern | Maharashtra Board

नमस्कार मित्रांनो, इयत्ता अकरावी मध्ये शिकत असताना "Biology" या विषयाकडे विद्यार्थ्याचे विशेष लक्ष असते कारण बारावीनंतर Medical क्षेत्रात करियर करायचं असेल तर Biology कडे विशेष लक्ष देणे गरजेचे असते. आणि या विषयाचे Practical यशस्वी पणे पार पाडणे महत्वाचे ठरते. तर याचसाठी आपण ह्या ब्लॉग मध्ये इयत्ता अकरावी Biology या विषयाचे Practical Examination Pattern कसा असतो हे पाहणारं आहोत.

• Scheme of Practical Examination 
• Biology Practical Examination 
• Skeleton Question Paper 
Total Time : 3 hours
Total Marks : 30

Q.1 Make temporary, stained preparation of T.S of sunflower stem.
Prepare a temporary stained, squash of onion root tip to show various stages of mitosis. Sketch and label any one stage of mitosis.
                                                         (4 Marks)
Q.2 Make a temporary slide of peeling of given onion to show mitochondria
Study the vegetative and floral character of given plant material (family Solanacceae or Fabaceace)
Perform the biochemical test for starch (grain mounting)/Sugar/Proteins/Fats.
                                                         (3 Marks)
Q.3 Test the given sample of urin for _____ and _____ and make note on its clinical significance.
                                                         (4 Marks)
Q.4 Perform the physiological experiment to demonstrate the effect of salivary amylase on starch/pepsin on egg albumin/bile on fats.
Make a temporary stained slide of squamous epithelium and draw a labelled diagram.
                                                         (3 Marks)
Q.5 Comment upon the spots as per instruction
A) Identification of plant specimen/slide.
B) Root/Stem/Leaf specimen.
C) Study of Aerobic and Anaerobic Respiration.
D) Identification of animal specimen of slide.
E) Animal tissue/T.S of small intestine or liver or pancreas.
F) Specimen from 'Human Skeleton'.
                                                         (6 Marks)
Q.6 Project report (may be submitted in the form of collection of plants/animals/slides of biological data collection/report on relevant topic)
                                                         (5 Marks)
Q.7 Viva voce based on first four questions.
                                                         (2 Marks)
Q.8 Duly certified practical Record book.
                                                         (3 Marks)

अशा प्रकारे मित्रांनो इयत्ता अकरावी Biology Practical Exam Pattern होता. यामध्ये आपण Skeleton Question Paper पहिली जेणेकरून तुम्हाला समजण्यास मदत होइल की Practical ची Question Paper कशाप्रकारे विचारली जाऊ शकते.

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