Chp 1 : Advanced Web Designing | Question Bank | 12th IT

विद्यार्थी मित्रांनो या ब्लॉग मध्ये आपण इयत्ता बारावी Information Technology (IT) या विषाचा Chapter Number 1 : Advanced Web Designing ची Question Bank पाहणार आहोत. यामध्ये एकूण 8 Questions आहेत ते खालीप्रमाणे - 
Q.1 Fill in the blanks
Q.2 State True or False
Q.3 Multiple choice single answer
Q.4 Multiple choice two correct answer
Q.5 Multiple choice three correct answer
Q.6 Match the following
Q.7 Answer briefly
Q.8 Write a program

तर या पोस्ट मध्ये आपण Q.1 Fill in the blanks पाहणार आहोत. Next Question साठी पोस्टच्या शेवटी "Previous" आणि "Next" button दिलेले आहेत. त्यावर क्लिक करुन तुम्ही Question वर Direct जाऊ शकता.

Q.1 Fill In The Blanks

1. The _____ element is a starting element in an HTML5; indicating a document type declaration.
Ans : <!DOCTYPE html>

2. <input type="_____"> defines a text field for entering a search string like a site search or Google search.
Ans : search

3. Input restrictions, _____ specifies the maximum value for an input field.
Ans : max

4. _____ is attribute of <input> tag used to identify the html element uniquely through the document object model.
Ans : ID

5. _____ tag in html that describes some aspects of contents of a webpage.
Ans : <META>

6. The HTML _____ tag is used by search engines to search information that is provided with the webpage.
Ans : <META>

7. _____ describes how HTML elements are to be displayed on screen, paper, or in other media.
Ans : CSS

8. _____ allows you to control the look and feel of several pages by changing a single source.
Ans : CSS

9. _____ style sheet can be defined internally within the web page.
Ans : Internal

10. In internal CSS, _____ tag is used in head section.
Ans : <STYLE>

11. To define CSS into html code <STYLE> tag is used within _____ tag.
Ans : <HEAD>

12. A seperate or external file with extension _____ is created to store CSS declaration.
Ans : CSS

13. _____ is used to reduce the style determination work in html.
Ans : CSS

14. _____ symbol is prefixed for class name in CSS.
Ans : Period

15. CSS _____ indicates the html element you want to style.
Ans : Selector

16. The declaration block can contain one or more declarations seperated by a _____.
Ans : semicolon

17. In CSS _____ is a type of attribute of HTML element.
Ans : Property

18. Internal, External, and _____ are types of style sheet.
Ans : Inline

19. _____ stylesheet uses the style attribute in the HTML start tag.
Ans : Inline

20. _____ CSS is used to apply CSS on a single document or page.
Ans : Internal

21. The _____ property (attribute of style) of CSS sets the color of the text.
Ans : Color

22. In CSS, _____ property set the background color in your webpage.
Ans : Background - color

23. In CSS, _____ value of text - decoration Property is used to define strike out effect.
Ans : line - through

24. The _____ property in CSS allows you to control the size of the font.
Ans : Text - align 

25. The _____ property in CSS allows you to control the size of the font.
Ans : Font - size

26. In CSS, _____ property is used to specify the style of font for text.
Ans : font - style

27. In CSS file to change the font calligraphy _____ command syntax is used.
Ans : font - family

28. In CSS to set font to Arial, _____ property is used.
Ans : font - family

29. In CSS, _____ value of text - decoration Property is used to define above the text.
Ans : overline

30. The _____ CSS facilities to change the look of the entire changing just one file.
Ans : External

31. An external style sheet must be saved with a _____ .
Ans : .css

32. A seperate file with extension _____ is created to a declaration.
Ans : .css

33. The id selector selects the _____ attribute of element to select a specific element.
Ans : id

34. The _____ selector selects HTML elements with a specific class attribute.
Ans : class

35. The _____ selector is used when you want to change a group of elements within your HTML page.
Ans : class

36. The _____ selector is used as a wildcard character.
Ans : universal

37. The _____ selector is used to select all the elements with the same style definitions.
Ans : grouping

38. _____ is used with elements that overlap with each other.
Ans : positioning

39. The _____ property is used to set position for an element.
Ans : position

40. The _____ property forces an element into a fixed position relative to the browser window.
Ans : fixed

41. The _____ positioning property is used to set the element relative to its normal position.
Ans : Relative

42. _____ positioning property sets an element in a specific location and it is not affected by the flow of the page.
Ans : Absolute

43. The FLOAT property in CSS defines the _____ of content.
Ans : flow

44. Float : _____ keeps the element float on left side of the container.
Ans : left

45. The _____ property in CSS defines how the components {div, hyperlink, heading, etc} are going to be placed on the web page.
Ans : Display

46. _____ value of Display property in CSS is used to display an element as an inline element.
Ans : Inline

47. The <OL> tag define an _____ .
Ans : ordered list

48. _____ attribute specifies the starting number of the first item in an ordered list.
Ans : Start

49. An unordered list created using the _____ tag.
Ans : <UL>

50. The _____ tag is used to define the term in definition list.
Ans : <DT>

51. List within another list either order list or unordered list is called _____ list.
Ans : nested

52. The _____ element enables you to embed (or add) audio files on web pages.
Ans : <audio>

53. The _____ attribute specifies that the audio will start over again, every time it is finished.
Ans : LOOP

54. The _____ attribute is used to add audio controls such as play, pause, and volume.
Ans : controls

55. The _____ element is used to specify the audio files which the browser may use.
Ans : Source

56. _____ tag is used to specify video on an HTML document.
Ans : <VIDEO>

57. The HTML _____ tag is used to embed video into your web page.
Ans : <VIDEO>

58. _____ attribute specifies if and how the author thinks the video should be loaded when the webpage loads.
Ans : Preload

59. An image with multiple hyperlinks is called an _____.
Ans : Image map

60. An Image map is created by marking certain regions on an image. These clickable regions are called as _____ .
Ans : hotspots

61. Image Maps are of two types; Client side and _____ side.
Ans : Server

62. _____ tag is used to insert an image on a web page.
Ans : <Img>

63. If a web developer wants to add the description to an image he must use _____ attribute of <img> tag.
Ans : ALT

64. The usemap attribute of <img> tag is used with value preceded with a _____ symbol.
Ans : #

65. _____ attribute of <map> tag specifies the name for client side image map.
Ans : Name

66. The value of the name attribute of <map> tag is the value specified in _____ attribute of <img> tag.
Ans : usemap

67. _____ attribute of <area> tag defines the URL to which the clickable region within the image - map navigates.
Ans : HREF

68. <Area coords=Rect> specifies rectangular area with total _____ co-ordinates.
Ans : four

69. _____ attribute of <area> tag specifies extra information about clickable area.
Ans : ALT

70. The _____ element creates an inline frame.
Ans : <iframe>

71. _____ attribute specifies the address of the document to embed in the <iframe> element.
Ans : SRC

72. _____ is a service that allows organisations and individuals to post a website or web page onto the internet.
Ans : Web hosting

73. The website is made available on the internet with the help of _____ .
Ans : Web hosting

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