Chapter 4 - Cyber Law Exercise Solutions

नमस्कार विदयार्थी मित्रांनो इयत्ता अकावी महाराष्ट्र स्टेट बोर्ड Subject - Information Technology Chapter Number 4 - Cyber Law या Chapter चे Exercise Solutions आपण या पोस्टमध्ये पाहणार आहोत. या Chapter चे Exercise Question पाठ्यपुस्तकाच्या [Page No 68], [Page No 69] आणि [Page No 70] वर आहेत.
Exercise मधील पुढील Questions आपण क्रमानुसार पाहणार आहोत :-
Q.1) Complete the following web.
Q.2) Complete the following chart.
Q.3) Fill following boxes with appropriate cyber crime name
Q.4) Read the following and answer the question.
Q.5) Answer in brief.
Q.6) State true or false.
Q.7) Match the following.
Q.8) Observe the following picture and give your opinion about it by responding to the following questions.

आता आपण क्रमानुसार प्रश्नांची उत्तरे पाहूया :-

Class 11th IT - Cyber Law Exercise Solutions Maharashtra Board

Q.1) Complete the following web.

Ans : i) Do Practice good password hygiene
ii) Do be cautious with personal information
iii) Do use privacy settings
iv) Do think before you click or share
v) Do update your devices & software
vi) Do back up your important data

Q.2) Complete the following chart.

Ans : i) Password cracking
ii) Brute force attacks
iii) Social Engineering
iv) Phishing
v) Malware
vi) Exploiting Software Vulnerabilities

Q.3) Fill following boxes with appropriate cyber crime name.

1) Copyright violation of software created originally by an individual.
Ans : Software Piracy

2) Gaining access without the user’s permission
Ans : Unauthorised access

3) Extracting confidential information by email.
Ans : Phishing

Q.4) Read the following and answer the question.

Rahul lost his pen drive in his college computer lab. His classmate Madhav finds it. He carries it home to return it to him the next day. When Madhav opens it he finds his favourite game. He thinks of making a duplicate copy of the game software.

I) Does Madhav think ethically ?
Ans : No

II) What do you think should Madhav do
Ans : Madhav should returns back pen drive without making duplicate copy of game

III) If he makes a duplicate copy then which cyber crime will he commit ?
Ans : Software Piracy

Q.5) Answer in brief.

1) What care should be taken by the user while doing online activities ?
Ans : When engaging in online activities, users should take the following precautions :-
I) Strong and Unique Passwords :- Create and use strong, unique passwords for each online account to minimize the risk of unauthorized access.
II) Phishing Awareness :- Be cautious of suspicious emails, messages, or websites that attempt to deceive you into revealing personal information. Avoid clicking on unknown links or downloading attachments from untrusted sources.
III) Regular Software Updates :- Keep your operating system, antivirus software, and other applications up to date to ensure you have the latest security patches and bug fixes.
IV) Secure Wi-Fi Networks :- Connect to trusted and encrypted Wi-Fi networks, especially when transmitting sensitive information. Avoid using public Wi-Fi for sensitive transactions or use a virtual private network (VPN) for added security.
V) Privacy Settings :- Review and adjust privacy settings on social media platforms and other online services to limit the amount of personal information exposed to the public.
By following these precautions, users can enhance their online security and protect their personal information from unauthorized access.

2) Define the terms (1) Ethics (2) Moral
Ans : i) Ethics :-
Ethics refers to the moral principles and values that guide individuals and societies in determining what is right or wrong, good or bad, and what ought to be done in various situations. It involves the study of moral judgments, choices, and actions, as well as the analysis of concepts such as duty, virtue, fairness, and responsibility. Ethics provides a framework for evaluating human behavior and helps us understand how to make decisions that are morally acceptable.
ii) Moral :-
Moral relates to the principles of right and wrong behavior and the distinction between what is considered good and evil or acceptable and unacceptable. It pertains to personal beliefs, values, and codes of conduct that influence an individual's actions and choices. Morality often involves the development of a moral compass based on societal norms, religious or philosophical beliefs, and personal experiences.

3) Explain three examples related to unauthorized access?
Ans : Examples related to unauthorized access :-
I) Unauthorized Access to Computer Systems :- This refers to gaining unauthorized entry into computer systems, networks, or databases without proper permission or authority. It could involve exploiting vulnerabilities in the system, bypassing security measures, or using stolen credentials to gain access. Unauthorized access is a violation of ethical and legal standards as it breaches the privacy and security of individuals or organizations.
ii) Unauthorized Access to Personal Information :- This example involves unauthorized individuals accessing someone's personal information without their knowledge or consent. It can occur through hacking, phishing, or social engineering techniques. Unauthorized access to personal information can lead to identity theft, financial loss, and invasion of privacy. Ethical concerns arise when personal data is misused or exploited for fraudulent purposes.
iii) Unauthorized Access to Intellectual Property :- This refers to the unauthorized acquisition, use, or distribution of intellectual property, such as copyrighted material, trade secrets, or proprietary information. It includes activities like illegally downloading or sharing copyrighted music, movies, or software, which violates intellectual property rights and undermines the rights of creators and content owners. Ethically, unauthorized access to intellectual property is considered a form of theft and can harm the creative industries.

4) Explain software piracy and Hacking.
Ans : Software Piracy :-
Software piracy involves the unauthorized copying, distribution, or use of software without proper licensing or permission from the copyright holder. It often occurs when individuals or organizations make unauthorized copies of software programs, sell counterfeit software, or distribute software without adhering to licensing agreements. Software piracy is a form of intellectual property infringement and is considered unethical and illegal.
Hacking :-
Hacking refers to the act of gaining unauthorized access to computer systems or networks with the intention of exploring, manipulating, or compromising their security. Hackers often use their technical skills to exploit vulnerabilities, break into systems, steal sensitive information, disrupt services, or cause damage. While hacking can sometimes be done for ethical purposes (known as ethical hacking or penetration testing), unauthorized hacking with malicious intent is illegal and unethical. It violates privacy, compromises data security, and can have serious consequences for individuals and organizations

Q.6) State true or false.

1) Firewall is used to encrypt transmission of data.
Ans : False

2) The standards of behaviour; principle of right or wrong is referred as moral.
Ans : False

3) Hacking bank account related information is an example of software piracy.
Ans : False

4) Phishing is representing some one else's work as own without permission.
Ans : False

Q.7) Match the following.

(A) (B)
1) Copying a
game file
a) Firewall
2) Law realated
to internet
b) Cyber threat
3) Network Security c) Software Piracy
4) System Crashes
d) Cyber Law

Ans : 

(A) Answers
1) Copying a
game file
c) Software Piracy
2) Law realated
to internet
d) Cyber Law
3) Network Security a) Firewall
4) System Crashes
b) Cyber threat

Q.8) Observe the following picture and give your opinion about it by responding to the following questions.

1) Is 'B's response correct or not ?
Ans : No, B's response not correct.

2) What will be the consequences of 'B's reply ?
Ans : Crucial information like OTP in hand, the fraudster can easily carry out illegal financial transactions using B's identity.

3) Which type of cyber crime does the picture depict ?
Ans : Fake Calls Fraud

अशा प्रकारे मित्रांनो आपण इयत्ता अकरावी Information Technology या विषयाचा Chapter Number 2 - Introduction to DBMS याचे Exercise Solutions पहिले.
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