Chapter 2 - Introduction to DBMS Exercise Solutions

नमस्कार विदयार्थी मित्रांनो इयत्ता अकावी महाराष्ट्र स्टेट बोर्ड Subject - Information Technology Chapter Number 2 - Introduction to DBMS या Chapter चे Exercise Solutions आपण या पोस्टमध्ये पाहणार आहोत. या Chapter चे Exercise Question पाठ्यपुस्तकाच्या [Page No 28] आणि [Page No 29] वर आहेत.
Exercise मधील पुढील Questions आपण क्रमानुसार पाहणार आहोत :-
Q.1) Complete the following activity.
Q.2) Observe the field names of a 
database given below in ‘Column 
A’ related to Bus reservation. 
Write suitable data types for each 
field in front of the respective field 
in ‘Column B’
Q.3) Write the use of following SQL 
Q.4) Create a table for the information 
given below by choosing 
appropriate data types. Specify 
proper primary key for the table 
1) Movie 2) Actor
Q.5) Consider the following table 
Stationary. Write SQL commands 
for following statements.
Q.6) Answer the following questions.
Q.7) In a company the data is stored in 
a table under the following fields 
Employee number, Last name, 
Date of birth, Address. Which 
data type will you use for the 
above field.
Q.8) Multiple choice select three correct
Q.9) Complete the following.

आता आपण क्रमानुसार प्रश्नांची उत्तरे पाहूया :-

Class 11th IT - Introduction to DBMS Exercise solutions Maharashtra Board

Q.1) Complete the following activity.

1) Tick whichever box is not valid.

Ans : Graphic

2) Student wants to create a field pincode in a table, which data type he will choose ?
Ans : INT

3) Tick the appropriate box.

Ans : Uniquely identifies a record 

4) Tick the appropriate circle.

Ans : One or many tables 

Q.2) Observe the field names of a database given below in ‘Column A’ related to Bus reservation. Write suitable data types for each field in front of the respective field in ‘Column B’

Ans : Age - Int
Gender - Text
Mobile Number - Int
Passenger Name - Varchar

Q.3) Write the use of following SQL command.

Ans : INSERT - Insert data into a table
UPDATE - Update data in a table

Q.4) Create a table for the information given below by choosing appropriate data types. Specify proper primary key for the table 1) Movie 2) Actor

1. Movie ( Registeration_no,
movie_name, Realease_Date)
2. Actor ( actor_id, Actor_name,
birth_date )
Ans : i) CREATE TABLE Movie (Registration_no int primary key, movie_name varchar (15), Realease_Date date);
ii) CREATE TABLE Actor (actor_id int primary key, Actor_name varchar (20),
birth_date date);

Q.5) Consider the following table Stationary. Write SQL commands for following statements.

Table : Stationary

1) Write SQL command to create
above Table
Ans : CREATE TABLE Stationary (s_id int primary key, s_name varchar (20), Price int, Quantity int);

2) Write SQL command to insert above mentioned record in table
Ans : INSERT INTO Stationary Values (001, 'Note Book', 'ABC', 20, 50), (002, 'Pencil Box', 'XYZ', 10, 80), (003, 'A4 Pages rim', 'PQR', 600, 2);

3) To delete above table.
Ans : DROP TABLE Stationary;

Q.6) Answer the following questions.

1) What is a database ?
Ans : A database, often abbreviated as DB,
is a collection of information organized
in such a way that a computer program
can quickly select desired pieces of data.

2) What are the advantages of a DBMS ?
Ans : i) Reducing Data Redundancy : The file based data management systems contained multiple files that were stored in many different locations in a system or even across multiple systems.
ii) Sharing of Data : In a database, the users of the database can share the data among themselves.
iii) Data Integrity : Data integrity means that the data is accurate and consistent in the database.
iv) Data Security : Data Security is vital concept in a database.
v) Privacy : The privacy rule in a database means only the authorized users can access a database according to its privacy constraints.
vi) Backup and Recovery : Database Management System automatically takes care of backup and recovery.
vii) Development and Maintenance Time : DBMS reduces application development and maintenance time.

3) What do you understand by Data Model ?
Ans : Database is designed according to certain rules. This logical structure of database is known as a model. Data models define how the data is connected to each other and how they are processed and stored inside the system. It describes the method of storing and retrieving the data. There are different models like network model, hierarchical model and relational model. Let us see relational model.

4) What is a primary key ?
Ans : The group of one or more columns used to uniquely identify each row of a relation is called its Primary Key.

5) What is DDL(Data Definition language)
Ans : DDL statements or commands are used to define and modify the database structure of your tables or schema. When you execute a DDL statement, it takes effect immediately.

Q.7) In a company the data is stored in a table under the following fields Employee number, Last name, Date of birth, Address. Which data type will you use for the above field.

Ans : Employee Number - Int
Employee name - varchar
Last name - varchar
Address - varchar
Date of birth - date

Q.8) Multiple choice select three correct answers.

1) Valid relationships in RDBMS are
a) one to one 
b) one to two
c) one to many 
d) many to two
e) many to many 
f) one to three
Ans : a) one to one, c) one to many, e) many to many

Q.9) Complete the following.

Ans : i) To remove access rights or 
previleges from the database - REVOKE
ii) Extracts data from a table - SELECT

अशा प्रकारे मित्रांनो आपण इयत्ता अकरावी Information Technology या विषयाचा Chapter Number 2 - Introduction to DBMS याचे Exercise Solutions पहिले.
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